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Philmel's latest forum comments

07 Nov 2016 12:39 PM:

They' (the EU) still need us (the uk) more than we need them. So they should be careful..............

After we exit how many rich countries will be left in the EU. Answer:2. Germany and France.

How mnay other countries will follow Brexit and why is that..............

Much of what you say probably will happen and our Brexit will be the demise and end to what we call the EU over next 5 - 10 years.

The gravy train will be halted..no wonder they are worried................

Thread: BREXIT

02 Dec 2010 2:01 PM:


To some degree you are spot on! Negative stuff and all the things that go wrong in life make 'good' TV programmes and yes nothing good ever comes out of it.

However, try making a good TV programme on the positives and sucesses to come out of the Spanish property market (>2004  )  ...............

It would be a very short programme wouldn't it !

Thread: ITV Homes from Hell / Parador Properties


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