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11 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by Chrism16/20 Star rating in Lisburn, Northern Ir.... 132 forum posts Send private message

Anybody heard when the pool will be opening??

Coming over with the kids in July and if theres no pool I'm doomed!!!


Chris & Sandra M16-30

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12 Jun 2008 10:51 PM by SandS11.43 Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Chris,

We are waiting for our property to be released on M11, however we have been informed by both our agent and our lawyer that this is unlikely to happen for some time yet.Certainly we're not expecting it to happen any time within the next couple of months - indeed we are now considering an offer from Masa to exchange to another poligono.
As the pool is also on M11, I can only assume that it will not be open for some time yet.Sorry the news is not more positive.


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13 Jun 2008 9:38 AM by Chrism16/20 Star rating in Lisburn, Northern Ir.... 132 forum posts Send private message

O dear, I'm in trouble now.

They are supposed to be having an opening party early July, anyone heard anything?

Whats the site office saying??

Chris & Sandra M16-30

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13 Jun 2008 12:06 PM by chunkz Star rating in aberdeen, scotland, . 66 forum posts Send private message


as far as i am aware the pool opens for the opening party - first week in july.

we were on m11 aswell, but have moved to a different polignio. i have no idea why there is such a long delay, but as far as i have been told the delay on m11 does not affect the pool.

a vast majority of people have moved off of m11.

hope this helps.


         Dee & sco...

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14 Jun 2008 9:56 AM by Dentish Star rating in Essex. 83 forum posts Send private message

From our visit in April and asking in the office,  the pool & bar, supermarket and driving range are all due to be open by the Summer. 
We were originally told in January when signing on M16 
that 9 holes, driving range,  pool and supermarket would be ready April May time, so given Manyana. July actually looks a good bet.

They also said the site to be completed 3 years then shrugged and added we are Spanish say 5.
I reckon the rate they work for total completion and erring on side of caution my expectation is more like 10.
We had seen a white van with logo of pool bar can't remember the name driving around and parked by the building.  
Masa are not stupid, they may be lots of other things but they do realise they need facilities open, otherwise they will not sell more homes on site when people view they may see people and they need facilities. 

I just feel for the people who bought the Eagle next to the pool, they will certainly make friends sitting in their garden.
Not sure if originally it was going to be walkway or shops, cause it was never on the original plans as a pool. 
Trisha and Den       

Den and Trisha 

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15 Jun 2008 10:56 AM by chunkz Star rating in aberdeen, scotland, . 66 forum posts Send private message


we had the eagle next to the pool. we have now changed and are on m12.

there is alot of people changed from m11, due to delays, it had nothing to do with the pool being there, we knew the pool was going to be there, but it hadnt actually been built when we bought.

i am quite glad that we are not there now, its just a bit to close for me. not sure if anyone else has bought it now.


         Dee & sco...

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16 Jun 2008 6:25 AM by llamacalmer Star rating in Surrey & La Torre. 318 forum posts Send private message

llamacalmer´s avatar
When we completed last month, the Sales Office told us that everything would be up and running by August - including the hotel!!!!  August 2010 perhaps.



 Owner of  8 stray Spanish mutts


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20 Jun 2008 11:23 AM by pinkstateside Star rating in Dublin, Ireland. 47 forum posts Send private message

pinkstateside´s avatar

Big Thanks to Rob and Sue

They told us about the swap option and followed it up for us and I am glad to say we have also now swapped our M11 to M16.  Got they keys and moved in 2 weeks ago - Finally.  For anyone tired of waiting, dont be afraid to approach Masa and ask for a swap, we did and it was easy, quick and no issues whatsoever, remember Masa want people to move in - they get paid!!!

Sandra in the site office did tell me 2 weeks ago that they hope to have the pool open for the party.   Hope so.


Jason Campbell from Dublin

Back there saturday week wahoo!!!!


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21 Jun 2008 6:29 PM by al.stabler Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Am I being a wet blanket or am I the only one disappointed with the size of the pool and Masa's total selfishness in the supply of such facilities,
Arte there any plans for any others? A  LONG time ago there was some talk of 5 off being installed, in my view EACH poly should have one.

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21 Jun 2008 11:24 PM by Swinging Gnome Star rating in sierra golf. 70 forum posts Send private message

Swinging Gnome´s avatar
Hi No i dont think your wrong in stating the size of the pool it is too small even for the few people that are on site at the moment. may be it is Masa ploy that by making it this size they will get to sell more drinks while you await your turn to try to find a vacant spot in the pool ------- Better still find a friend who has a pool of his own that will let you have a swim for the cost of a pint

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22 Jun 2008 12:21 AM by al.stabler Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Here I go again!!
Many people, especially in today's harsh financial envirenment will be looking for rentals to top up a holiday home. Masa seem to be the meanest contractor of all in supplyning what he customer wants. OK it was OK before, when everyone had their tongue out for a  property in Spain, but now? 
When I recently visited SG (first time) I couldn't believe how damn patronising this builder had been - houses, houses and more houses - nothing in the way of what people might want to do in 45 degrees of heat. Maybe I've lost it here but I sense greed - I would quite willingly have a pool installed but there is no room in an Eagle unless you have an enlarrged bath installed in the front.
Yes I know Masa is one of the contractors that haven't gone skint but in times like these they should be helping out - build some good size pools!!!!!
I don't know exactly but I have looked at some other sites on Internet and they all advertise 'pools' and their prices are getting mighty close to SG!!

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22 Jun 2008 7:23 PM by taraleisure Star rating in Holmfirth. 294 forum posts Send private message

MASA would not be allowed to build pools now unless they were on the original plan.
 Four years ago, when an Eagle cost 115,00 euro, pools are not shown on any of the paperwork.
MASA tried to make an alteration a few years ago, so Murcia council  put a stop on the whole development for 18 months and MASA had to re submit all plans.
I doubt they would risk this again.





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22 Jun 2008 7:59 PM by Dentish Star rating in Essex. 83 forum posts Send private message

When we were looking and then decided on the purchase of an Eagle on M16 we were told it was uncertain about communal pools apart from the one which will be attached to the leisure/spa complex at the hotel. 
But were led to believe that any extra pool were likely to go on the Communal green area.
When out in Jan and April talking to people in the site office, said they were unable to put on the Green as Murcia authorities stipulate Green area. 

From what is being said by many, the Murcian Authorities are keeping such a tight rein on things.   Although frustrating it is better than having problems down the line like  others.
We have heard so many different variations for delays from roads to electric n water supplies, to the underbuilds beign cut into rock, causing delays, the best is MANYANA and one of the guys not sure which one Pinky or Perky says "We're Spanish" . 

When purchasing in 2006 we were told it would all be finished  by 2009 including hotel etc???

Masa just are clever cause they don't answer anything or if you ring they don't speksy English. 
I imagine they are having problems selling now, reguarly check on the Atlas site who we bought through, for interest,  I have not seen any properties advertised from Sierra Golf.  Altas seem to be doing a purge for Polaris sites.   Despite last November offering money back of 10 thou Euros or a car if anyone bought an Eagle  (Jade as they advertise). So the last prce was 155,000 Euros  for a basic Eagle which is what they were in 2006.   This is the price in this new brochure for 2008. 

We look forward to dipping our feet in the pool as not much else will fit with everyone else. 

May be we can break a record by seeing how many people will  fit in the pool. 

Den and Trisha  

Den and Trisha 

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23 Jun 2008 9:09 AM by pinkstateside Star rating in Dublin, Ireland. 47 forum posts Send private message

pinkstateside´s avatar
Me again

Seems I made a fruedian slip about our address.

We actually swapped from M11 to M13, same raod as Rob and Sue, and more importantly about 300 metres away from the pool........



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23 Jun 2008 10:47 AM by Chrism16/20 Star rating in Lisburn, Northern Ir.... 132 forum posts Send private message

Hi Guys.

No pool open yet and I'm already starting to sweat!

Were coming over in three weeks, we were told that the pool (& Party) would be ready early July, if we aint got no pool by then Ive three kids that will start a mutiny in our house.

Can any of you SG'rs on site get the latest from Sandra at the site office to see how realistic early July is???

Other than that I will need to buy the biggest paddling pool in history that will fit in an Eagles driveway so keep an eye out in the shops for me and let me know who sells them folks!!

Yours forever in gratitude & hope.

Chris & Sandra.

Chris & Sandra M16-30

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23 Jun 2008 12:02 PM by Swinging Gnome Star rating in sierra golf. 70 forum posts Send private message

Swinging Gnome´s avatar
Hi Chris & Sandra       Sandra has now moved to Alicante & the pool supposed to open on party day stated to be 7 july 08  

regards   Barry 

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23 Jun 2008 12:35 PM by Chrism16/20 Star rating in Lisburn, Northern Ir.... 132 forum posts Send private message

Cheers Barry

Pity about Sandra moving, she was pretty switched on and did get things done for us when we completed.

Pool open on Party day would be great!!

Still, if anyone has any further news on the actual opening it would be appreciated, I'm still wondering what the "official" date from the site office actually is???????

May end up with a big Carefour paddling pool in the front garden yet??? weep-weep.

Thanks again Barry


Chris & Sandra M16-30

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23 Jun 2008 1:04 PM by al.stabler Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Maybe I was being a bit harsh with Masa.......maybe........

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26 Jun 2008 9:59 AM by Dentish Star rating in Essex. 83 forum posts Send private message

I don't think you are being harsh: 
Masa have bitten off something bigger than they can  handle as the Murcian authorities appear to be making a stand about levels of the standards they expect. A pain for those who thought quick investment as there are so many properties already for sale but like us who were looking long term and for our use, a bit easier.
Masa aqppear to have thought quick investment and it is not turning out like that.
We can ask why do Masa, make people go to Elche to sign at the notary there: 
I know some people have signed or tried to sign other places but not all have gone smoothly....
There are notary's much closer to SG. 
Why do they change the people in the site office..... especially if someone appears ot have been working with the people on site.
And why do they not answer e mails or telephone messages etc. 
Their Welcome pack is more of advertising their services or not....
The free gift of insurance .... is non existent we had one phone call, have never had any paperwork and do not know who the company is: Masa say let us know but don't reply. 
Good job we set our own up. 


Den and Trisha 

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26 Jun 2008 6:39 PM by niglam1 Star rating in Wakefield W. Yorks (.... 147 forum posts Send private message

Hi Trish

We too had "free insurance" but we don't believe a word of it!

We also arranged our own.


Stella & Nigel

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